Birth Control Health Sexual Health

Generic versus Brand Name Birth Control: Everything You Need To Know To Decide Between The Two

When it comes to choosing your preferred choice of birth control pills, do you perceive brand name to be better than generic? Well perhaps, it’s time to rethink some of the criteria you typically use to evaluate whether one is better than the other! 

After all, both brand and generic birth control have to undergo rigorous review processes to establish their safety and effectiveness, before being approved for sale by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

By the time you’re done with this article, you’ll hopefully get a better idea of their similarities, differences and why there’s no reason to worry no matter which type of birth control pills you’re prescribed. 

What Is A Brand Name Birth Control Pill? 

They’re the pioneers and innovators! Brand name birth control is exclusively protected under a 20-year patent before the generic version of the drug can be released. 

Some of the common brand names include Yaz, Yasmin, Microgynon 30, Mercilon and Diane 35

What Is A Generic Birth Control Pill? 

As the term suggests, they are the generic versions of brand name birth control. Once the patent expires, generics can enter the market to compete too. 

According to the FDA, generics are “copies of brand name drugs that have exactly the same dose, intended use, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety, and strength as the original drug.”

Liza, Estelle 35 and Drospera are a few examples of generic birth control pills. 

So You Might Be Wondering, What’s The Difference Between Generic And Brand Name Birth Control Pills? 

By law, trademark protection requires generic drugs to look different from their brand name counterparts despite having the same effects. Thus, they differ in terms of: 

  • Size 
  • Shape
  • Colour
  • Packaging 
  • Inactive ingredients (e.g. fillers, flavours, preservatives, binders) 

However, it’s important to note that these slight variations will not affect the efficacy of the birth control pills for pregnancy prevention although they may affect the type of side effects you experience (if any).

Some women may face breakthrough bleeding, mood changes, acne or other side effects when switching from one type of birth control to another. 

Birth control has many other benefits besides preventing pregnancy. It is often used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding, period cramps, and PMS. If you’re more sensitive to hormonal variations, you may also find brand name birth control more suitable compared to generics. 

One last differentiating factor between generic and brand name birth control is the cost. Generics are cheaper as they can cost up to 85% less than the branded version.

But ultimately, they work the same! 

Clearing Your Misconceptions On Generic Birth Control

As you’ll see in this section, especially for those of you who are still wary about going on generic birth control, there’s no need to get worked up if you’re prescribed generics!

Generic birth control is as safe and effective as the original brand name birth control

Don’t you worry, both generic and brand name birth control have the same benefits and effects. Manufacturers have to prove that the drugs are bioequivalent, such that they work the same way and are proven to be equally effective. 

Generic drugs can only be FDA-approved if they meet all the same requirements that are also applied to brand name drugs. They also have to adhere to the same quality, strength and purity standards as branded birth control. 

Cheaper doesn’t mean it’s less effective 

You pay for what you get right? Yeah, we know what you might be thinking. 

But it’s different when it comes to birth control medications. The quality of your generic birth control pill is not at all compromised despite its lower cost! In fact, the majority of women also do well on generic birth control. 

The only reason why generics are less expensive is simply because they didn’t have to invest in actually creating the drug. New drugs are usually subjected to years of testing through clinical trials, research and development which can cost up to millions of dollars. 

But for pharmaceutical companies manufacturing generic birth control, all they need to do is manufacture the product and here’s the good news. They pass on these savings to customers like you!

What To Do If You Experience Problems With Your Birth Control Pills

Generally, as both generic and brand name birth control contain the same active ingredients, any side effects are likely to be similar even if you decide to opt for the latter. 

If you do experience problems, definitely seek professional advice from your doctor. If you recently changed your birth control, ask to be switched back to the one you’re used to, or even another generic version of the same formula.  

Should I Choose Branded or Generic Birth Control? 

It really depends on you. We’re just here to assure you that no matter which type of birth control you choose, they’re all safe and work the same!

But if cost is a factor for you when it comes to buying birth control, it might be worth trying generic birth control pills first.

And if you’re sensitive or possibly allergic to certain drugs or ingredients, have a look at the list of inactive ingredients before you decide. Although in most cases, you usually won’t be able to predict and know for sure how your body will react to the contraceptive pill till you try it.

Remember, be patient with yourself as it’s all about trial and error! Here at Siena, we’re ready to help you explore your options just so you can find the perfect birth control suitable for your unique bodies.


Birth Control Health Period

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Feel like you never get your periods? Or when you do get them, it seems like there’s no end to it? Well, you may be suffering from a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) that affects your hormone levels.

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects approximately 10% of women who are of reproductive age. The infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods caused by excess male hormones or androgen levels are one of the most obvious signs of PCOS.

Those suffering from PCOS have an imbalance of female hormones that prevents their ovaries from releasing an egg monthly. As a result, the ovaries end up developing countless small collections of fluid sacs (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. Each sac contains an immature egg that is unable to mature enough to trigger ovulation. 

You may be wondering where the term “polycystic” comes from. As the unreleased eggs remain in the ovaries, these multiple small cysts contribute to the polycystic appearance of the ovaries.

Essentially, by also producing higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones leading to hormonal balance, this causes your body to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for you to get pregnant.

Image credit: National University Hospital

Signs and Symptoms of PCOS

Signs and symptoms of PCOS often develop during puberty, around the time you go through your first menstrual cycle. However, PCOS can also develop at a later stage due to substantial weight gain. 

You’ll definitely want to pay attention to: 

  • Irregular periods: could be infrequent, prolonged or even absent 
  • Heavy bleeding 
  • Hair growth
  • Acne 
  • Weight gain
  • Male-pattern baldness 
  • Darkening of the skin
  • Headaches

If you think you have PCOS, you should observe and track your periods as they are usually the most common signs. 

Other symptoms that may be more obvious are associated with physical changes. These refer to excess facial and body hair, severe acne and male-pattern baldness as they signify the presence of excess androgen in your body. 

Severe symptoms usually arise if you’re obese.

Causes of PCOS 

So far, the exact cause for PCOS is unknown although it may be hereditary as research suggests genes also contribute to PCOS. 

But the most commonly cited reason is probably excess male hormones called androgen. Women normally produce androgen in small quantities but for those with PCOS, they produce an excessive amount which explains the male-pattern hair growth (i.e. on the chin, chest, inner thighs, etc) and the formation of acne. When your ovaries produce abnormally high levels of androgen, you can also gain weight both easily and quickly.

Some studies have also shown that excess insulin increases androgen production which contributes to PCOS. Insulin is the hormone produced in your pancreas allowing cells to use sugar and also acts as your body’s primary sugar supply. If your cells become insulin-resistant, your blood sugar levels can rise thus causing your body to produce more insulin. 

How is PCOS Diagnosed? 

A diagnosis of PCOS is made when you experience at least two of these signs: 

Irregular periods– Infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles are the most common signs of PCOS.
– A good gauge would be: if you have fewer than nine periods a year, more than 35 days between periods and abnormally heavy periods. 
Excess androgen Elevated levels of male hormones (androgen) may cause physical changes like excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), occasionally severe acne and male-pattern baldness. 
Polycystic ovariesEnlarged ovaries that contain follicles surrounding the eggs. Thus, the ovaries may not be able to function regularly. 
Diagnosing PCOS

Other ways to diagnose PCOS:

  1. Hormonal blood tests
    • By analysing your blood to measure your hormone levels, you can then safely exclude other plausible causes like menstrual abnormalities or merely androgen excess mimicking PCOS. 
  2. Pelvic ultrasound scan
    • Examine the appearance of your reproductive organs and the thickness of your uterine lining. 

Targeted Treatments To Cope With PCOS

PCOS is not completely reversible but several treatments can help reduce or minimise uncomfortable symptoms, allowing you to better cope with the condition. 

Birth control for irregular periods and its related symptoms 

Already on birth control? Well, you may be killing two birds with one stone if you’re currently struggling with PCOS too. 

Combined hormonal contraceptives are usually prescribed to control various PCOS symptoms. Some examples are the combined birth control pill, patch and even the vaginal ring. The estrogen and progestin hormones present in the hormonal birth control help decrease androgen and regulate estrogen levels instead.

To treat irregular periods (a common PCOS symptom), combined hormonal contraceptives are also recommended to aid in fixing hormonal imbalance and regulating the menstrual cycle.

What’s more, regulating hormones can even lower your risk of endometrial cancer and correct abnormal bleeding, excess hair growth and acne

Clomiphene or surgery for infertility 

The irregular and infrequent ovulation caused by PCOS can make it difficult for you to conceive. So if you’re planning for a baby or if you intend to get pregnant in the near future, it’ll definitely be useful to know that ovulation can be artificially induced using medications. 

A common drug used to induce ovulation is clomiphene (Clomid) which has to be taken orally for five days. If the tablet fails, you may need to consider hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries. But of course, this depends on the recommended treatment plan based on professional advice and guidance from your doctor or specialist. 

If you find that your body is unresponsive to medical treatment, there’s also the option for surgery. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is typically used to trigger ovulation by using electrocautery or a laser to destroy parts of the ovaries. This corrects hormonal imbalance and restores normal ovulation. 

Hair removal medications for excessive hair growth

Excess hair may be something you’re not used to and find frustrating when you experience PCOS symptoms. Several fuss-free and convenient techniques include depilatory creams, shaving, waxing, bleaching, plucking and electrolysis. However, these methods have to be sustained or repeated in order to manage hair growth.

Suppression of male hormone production with tablets like the oral contraceptive pill or anti-male hormone drug may also reduce excessive hair growth if used for at least nine months. 

Lastly, you can also consider laser hair removal as it’s the most effective long-term method to help tackle the problem of excess hair. However, it’s probably one of the most expensive options as well. 

Lifestyle changes 

As substantial weight gain has also been attributed to PCOS, paying attention to your diet and regularly exercising to reduce excess weight may help to improve symptoms by restoring normal hormonal balance. 

To do so, you can also limit your intake of carbohydrates to increase insulin levels, or opt for food high in complex carbohydrates (e.g. whole grains and vegetables) to gradually raise your blood sugar levels. 

The Bottom Line 

If you suspect you have PCOS, it’s really important to seek timely and appropriate treatment to prevent further complications. That said, always seek help from your doctor first to figure out the best approach or course of treatment for your body and lifestyle.

Considering birth control? Here at Siena, we also want to help you find a solution to help you manage your PCOS symptoms. If you’re considering birth control, don’t hesitate to reach out and book a consult with one of our female doctors to explore your options! 


Birth Control Health Period

Managing Migraines with Birth Control

Do you frequently experience migraines that frustrate the life out of you? Learn more about its causes and how birth control can help you cope.

Two types of headaches that are linked to your menstrual cycles

Tension headaches 

There are different types of headaches that vary in terms of their causes and nature of pain. But one of the most common forms of headache pain (aka tension headaches) may be linked to your menstrual cycle. The pain resulting from tension headaches tends to spread across both sides of the head and you’ll also experience slight pressure.

A study conducted among 165 female patients established menstrual tension-type headache as a real disorder that could represent a variant of migraine headaches. Thus, some women do experience tension headaches around the time of their period.

Menstrual migraines

Women who experience migraines reported that the attacks usually occur either right before or during their periods. This is also known as menstrual migraine. (Source: The Migraine Trust

A migraine is not merely a severe headache. Rather, migraine is a disabling neurological disease and headaches are only one symptom of migraines that can range in severity and length. It usually starts off as a one-sided throbbing headache, alongside other symptoms like nausea, dizziness, extreme fatigue, and increased sensitivity to light, sound or smells. 

More often than not, migraine attacks can be spontaneous as well. Thus, it is easier to detect the causes of headaches as migraines typically have several common triggers without a single cause. These triggers may vary depending on individuals:

  • Gender and hormonal shifts: Menstrual cycles and hormonal changes can cause menstrual migraines. In fact, migraine is three times more common among women than men and in the United States, it affects approximately 37% of women during their reproductive years. 
  • Allergies: Body irritation and inflammation as migraines are associated with the inflammation of blood vessels. 
  • Family history and genes: There’s often a hereditary link so you’re more likely to experience migraines if you have family members who suffer from the same problem.
  • The environment: This covers a wide range of factors from changes in weather, stress, lack of sleep and even food.

Why you may experience headaches or migraines around the time of your period

Hormonal imbalance

The cause of menstrual migraines is best explained by a drop in estrogen levels during your period whereby sensitivity toward such hormonal fluctuations makes you more vulnerable to migraines. It can also happen if you’re pregnant or going through menopause.

Low iron levels

Another reason why you may experience headaches after your period is because of low iron levels after shedding blood and tissue during your period. Especially for those who usually experience heavy period flow, greater loss of blood may cause iron deficiencies and thus trigger headaches.

Hormonal treatment to prevent migraines

Maintaining hormone levels during your period

Birth control like the combination pill, progestin-only pill, patch and even vaginal ring are forms of treatments that can help to relieve symptoms of migraine through hormonal balancing. Not only do they help to stabilise estrogen levels by regulating hormones throughout your menstrual cycle, but they also reduce uncomfortable period symptoms. Low-dose estrogen birth control pills are normally recommended to prevent migraines as you can avoid experiencing a sharp drop in hormone levels during your period.

Skipping periods

Otherwise, you may also choose to opt for a continuous dose of the pill to reduce the likelihood of migraines. This essentially means you continue taking active, low-dose estrogen pills instead of placebo pills during the seven inactive days. Thus, the steady dose of estrogen should prevent the drop in hormones that usually occurs once you stop taking active pills on inactive days. Altogether, this should help you reduce the severity and frequency of migraines while experiencing lesser withdrawal bleeding. 

If you’re on birth control that comes with the sugar (placebo) pills, simply skip them and start a new pack so that hormones are continuously released into your bloodstream. 

That’s right, birth control isn’t just for preventing pregnancy as skipping periods may even improve your quality of life because of certain benefits! Besides potentially preventing migraines and headaches, birth control can also reduce symptoms associated with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and symptoms of your periods like menstrual cramps, bloating and even acne.

Lifestyle changes to cope with migraines

Although there’s no single cure for migraine, lifestyle changes can help you counter the negative effects. This includes: 

  • Regular exercise 
  • Adopting a healthy diet to avoid trigger foods 
  • Improving sleep habits 
  • Practising relaxation techniques (e.g. yoga, meditation) 

Keeping a journal or record of your migraine episodes can also help you track patterns such as the duration and symptoms to identify potential causes. You’ll definitely be more well-equipped to deal with your migraines by recognising and avoiding triggers.

Need help?

If you do have a history of migraines, it’s best to consult a doctor before you begin a new birth control method. With Siena, you can even have your consults online and preferred birth control delivered straight to your doorstep for free!


Birth Control Health

Does Birth Control Make You Gain Weight?

The truth about birth control and weight gain: it is largely due to water retention instead of actual increase in body fat! 

Are you reluctant to get birth control because you believe it may cause weight gain?

Weight gain is a common risk that most women are afraid of when it comes to birth control. And we do recognise why this may be a cause of concern. It’s one of those side effects you’re bound to constantly debate about with your girlfriends and still come to no clear conclusion at the end of the day.

But is this necessarily true? 

With a wide range of birth control options available now, it’s inevitable different individuals may react differently as well. Especially as birth control is more effective if you use it consistently, weight gain is also attributed to other factors such as lifestyle habits and routines or changes in metabolism as you age.

Most women don’t experience weight gain 

This may come as a form of reassurance but the majority of people on birth control do not actually experience weight gain. Any initial increase in weight is due to water retention rather than an increase in body fat and mass. As birth control may initially lead to water retention, you may feel a little bloated at the start. These effects are temporary and go away within a few weeks after starting birth control.

In fact, a 2008 study of 150 female athletes over two years found that oral contraceptives did not cause weight or fat mass gain. Similarly, a 2014 systematic review revealed that there was no significant causal relationship between weight gain and combination contraceptives as women taking birth control, compared with those in the placebo group, showed no substantial difference in weight.  

All in all, the hormones in birth control may trigger bodily changes but the idea that birth control leads to lasting weight gain is not a factual claim. 

Higher estrogen levels

Combined hormonal contraceptives such as birth control pills, patches and even the vaginal ring typically contain estrogen which prevents ovulation. This occurs as a compound (renin-angiotensin) created by the kidneys becomes stimulated because of the additional estrogen circulating throughout your body. This prompts your body to retain more fluid before your period. Essentially, higher estrogen levels may lead to a slightly higher level of water retention for those on the pill. However, there will usually be a decrease in weight after your period is over. 

Most birth control pills have approximately 30 to 35 micrograms of hormones but if you’re worried about the current dosage of estrogen in your pills, it’s best to consult your doctor and opt for a low-dose estrogen pill which will contain around 20 micrograms of estrogen.  

Higher doses of estrogen can potentially stimulate appetite, which may cause increased calorie intake in some women. 

Birth control implants and shots may be exceptions 

Hormonal implants, which are a form of long-term, reversible birth control may cause weight gain. This method works by inserting an implant into your arm, thereby releasing a synthetic hormone called etonogestrel into your bloodstream. Etonogestrel imitates progesterone by attempting to regulate your menstrual cycle alongside estrogen. 

Birth control shots can contribute to an increase in weight gain from water retention as its effects are meant to last for three months. Alternatively, you may want to opt for low-dose estrogen birth control pills instead. 

A final note

Always check with your doctor if you’re worried about the potential side effects or switching to a new type of birth control that fits your lifestyle. Other plausible causes for sudden weight gain may also be due to underlying health conditions such as thyroid disorders and diabetes. If you do experience bloating, keep in mind it is only temporary and there are other ways you can cope!

Here are some tips on how to reduce water retention: 

  • Lesser salt intake 
  • Staying well-hydrated 
  • Exercise consistently to move your muscles 
  • Wearing compression stockings during prolonged standing 

At Siena, we want to find the most effective and suitable birth control for you that also steers you away as much as possible from any unwanted side effects! Speak to any of our female doctors now from the comfort of your own home to explore your options.


Birth Control Health Period

Period Pain and Birth Control: How Contraceptives Can Help You Alleviate Your Menstrual Cramps

Do you suffer from excruciating period pain every month knowing you just have to wait it out? Well, birth control is a solution you should definitely keep in mind!

What’s the science behind menstrual cramps?  

It’s pretty much a known fact that period pain is no fun at all and most women are bound to experience it every month. Even then, women can have varying encounters with period cramps. While some regularly face this problem, some are lucky enough to rarely experience it. Of course, most of us may have gotten used to this cycle since our teenage years and it’s just something we accept as part of female reproductive life. But have you ever wondered why this monthly inconvenience comes with its own set of unpleasant characteristics? 

Dysmenorrhea, also known as menstrual cramps, refers to the pain associated with your period. It is usually in the form of throbbing or cramp-like pains in the lower abdomen which occurs just before and during menstruation. There are two types of dysmenorrhea — primary and secondary. 

Primary Dysmenorrhea  

This is the most common type of period pain which most women experience and is not caused by another condition. Simply put, the pain is caused by the period itself. Approximately 50 to 90 percent of the female population suffer from primary dysmenorrhea and its effects are severe on 10 percent of women for one to three days a month. 

During your menstrual period, the contraction of the uterus allows it to shed its lining. Yes, this is necessary and yet often painful. The pain is actually caused by hormone-like substances (prostaglandins) that are produced by the uterine lining cells which then circulate into your bloodstream. This ultimately triggers the tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle and it is these contractions that cause cramps. Typically, higher levels of prostaglandins tend to lead to more severe menstrual cramps.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea 

Apart from the common and tolerable pain most women suffer through during their period, some may have it worse due to certain medical conditions that intensify the pain. This usually starts later in life. 

  • Adenomyosis: a condition that causes the inner lining of the uterus to break into the uterus’ muscle walls 
  • Cervical stenosis: a smaller cervix opening can impede menstrual flow and lead to a painful increase of pressure within the uterus 
  • Endometriosis: the tissue lining the uterus grows outside the womb and on the fallopian tubes, ovaries or tissue lining the pelvis instead 
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: sexually transmitted bacteria that infects the female reproductive organs 
  • Uterine fibroids: non-cancerous growths of the uterus

I’ve been thinking about going on the pill to help with the cramps.

If you’re already on birth control, you probably already know how fuss-free and effective it is in preventing pregnancy. But what about its other non-contraceptive benefits? 

Hormonal birth control is one treatment method used to ease menstrual cramps. Primarily, oral birth control pills contain hormones such as estrogen and progestin which deter ovulation and the production of prostaglandins, thus lowering the severity of period pain. 

A randomised controlled trial conducted in 2012 revealed the effectiveness of taking combination birth control pills cyclically (21 days with active pills followed by seven days of placebo) and those taken continually. The latter involves the continuous administration of active pills during all 28 days, without any placebo at all. As continuous OCP means that users only take the hormone pills and skip the inactive pills, they forgo the monthly bleeding altogether. Both methods were successful in treating primary dysmenorrhea. 

Alternatively, other birth control methods such as patches, the ring, intrauterine devices and implants are also able to alleviate cramps, and even cause periods to become lighter and more predictable.

By using these prescribed birth control methods, you can also safely skip your periods altogether. To postpone or skip your period, you should immediately start on a new pack of active pills right away without taking the sugar pills (inactive pills). 

It’s best to speak with a doctor before trying any new birth control methods or making major adjustments. 

But I’m worried, will there be any side effects?

For first-timers on the pill, don’t worry! It’s natural for your body to take time to adapt to the hormonal changes.

Some women may still temporarily experience discomfort and period-like symptoms at the start. Symptoms such as cramping and spotting may arise if you forget to take your birth control pill.

How we can help

There are different types of birth control for different requirements. If you’re looking to speak with a healthcare professional on coping with menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea, feel free to talk to one of Siena’s female-only doctors now!


Birth Control Health Period

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): Symptoms and How Hormonal Birth Control Can Help

This extreme version of PMS can be both life-changing and life-threatening. How can birth control help in alleviating symptoms of PMDD?

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is more than just Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

For starters, PMDD is not a hormonal imbalance nor is it merely behavioural changes during that excruciating time of the month!

PMDD is commonly defined as an endocrine disorder and is also known to be a more severe form of PMS. They are both similar in terms of experiencing hormone-related symptoms in physical and emotional forms. This typically happens during the premenstrual phase about seven to 10 days before your period starts, and persists for the first few days of your period. 

While this may sound familiar to most women (and significant others or partners who have to bear the brunt of PMS every month), there is a huge difference between PMS and PMDD. In fact, PMDD can be so extreme that sudden shifts in mood can disrupt daily life and even negatively affect relationships. In some cases, besides facing challenges in interpersonal functioning and maintaining social relations, PMDD can also cause occupational impairment. This may refer to frequent outbursts towards loved ones or the inability to cope with the distressing symptoms at work, ultimately requiring one to take medical leave. 

How serious is PMDD?

PMDD affects about 5 percent of women of reproductive age and those who have underlying depression and anxiety are more likely to suffer from it. While there is no clear cause for this disorder, possible causes include genetics, thyroid and detrimental factors such as alcohol and substance abuse. 

According to the manual for assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders DSM-5, PMDD is also defined as a depressive disorder that requires prescription medication, unlike PMS. As its effects on women’s mental health are consistent and yet intermittent, PMDD tends to be underdiagnosed and undertreated. Thus, although PMDD may be uncommon compared to PMS, it is important to render conscientious attention and treatment as symptoms may worsen over time especially upon entering into menopause. As such, those with PMDD may harbour suicidal thoughts and behaviour which can be life-threatening. 

What are the symptoms of PMDD?

Similar to PMS, PMDD also causes bloating, breast tenderness, fatigue and changes in diet and sleeping habits. But the display of at least one of the below emotional and behavioural traits differentiates PMDD from PMS: 

  • Feeling sad or hopeless 
  • Severe moodiness 
  • Anxiety or tension 
  • Easily irritable or angry 

If you experience either one of the symptoms alongside other common symptoms* which occur before your menstrual flow that significantly disrupts your ability to function in everyday life, there is a chance you may be suffering from PMDD. 

Emotional SymptomsPhysical Symptoms 
– Agitation or nervousness
– Irritability
– Feeling overwhelmed and out of control
– Crying spells
– Anger, sadness
– Suicidal thoughts
– Panic attacks, paranoia
– Moodiness
– Forgetfulness
– Loss of interest in activities and relationships
– Acne
– Back, joint or muscle pain
– Bloating
– Breast swelling and tenderness
– Constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting
– Cramps
– Dizziness, headaches
– Appetite changes
– Reduced sex drive
– Lethargy or fatigue
– Sleep disturbance 
Common symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

If you feel you check most of these boxes, you can first take a self-screening test online. As PMDD symptoms may overlap with features of other medical conditions that mimic PMDD, it is strongly advised to seek professional help and speak with a healthcare provider for a diagnosis thereafter. 

How can birth control help with PMDD? 

Yes, birth control does more than helping you prevent pregnancy!

Hormonal interventions utilising oral contraceptives is one useful method in treating both PMS and PMDD. PMDD symptoms tend to arise once ovulation begins. Thus, as birth control pills prevent ovulation, they can regulate hormone levels in order to suppress ovulation and its related hormone changes, thereby avoiding premenstrual symptoms.

Most birth control pills are usually prescribed such that there are 21 active pills followed by seven days of placebo pills containing only sugar. This creates a hormone-free interval where the transition from taking active pills to sugar pills causes a sudden decrease in hormones.

Currently, Yaz is the only FDA-approved hormonal birth control pill used to treat PMDD. It implements a 24-day dosing regimen with active pills, followed by four inactive sugar pills. Similarly, other birth control options such as contraceptive patches and rings can also help to treat PMDD. 

Nonetheless, these benefits are also accompanied by certain risks for some individuals. Some may be more sensitive toward the sudden fluctuations in hormone levels and instead experience even more severe mood swings. Unsuitable candidates for treating PMDD with hormonal medications also include: 

  • Those with a past medical history of blood clots, stroke or migraine 
  • Smokers, especially those over 35 years of age 

What are other treatment options or alternatives? 

More often than not, a combination of solutions is needed in order to treat PMDD. 

Other ways to prevent or minimise PMDD symptoms:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) — commonly prescribed antidepressants 
  • Nutritional supplements rich in calcium
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin to relieve physical symptoms 
  • Stress management

What’s next? Well, taking charge of your own health and wellness is also extremely important in treating PMDD. Firstly, you can start with small steps such as having frequent meals lower in salt but high in nutrients from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Next, have sufficient hours of sleep or try out various relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga.

Exercising five days a week for at least half an hour a day and cultivating healthy sleep habits will also aid in reducing premenstrual symptoms. And if you’re a coffee addict or frequent bar-goer every TGIF, perhaps it’s time to cut down on both the caffeine and alcohol as they will also help to ease symptoms. 

Remember, you can take charge!

Ultimately, it is always important to get the right diagnosis if you feel like you have PMDD. So here’s an important tip: A tracking journal will be most useful for you to start tracking and recording your symptoms before you decide to visit the doctor. Different remedies may work differently for every individual but if you do decide to opt for birth control as a solution, don’t hesitate to find out more about your options with Siena!
